
  • Preparation for this course

    This Japanese course contains vocabulary, expressions, and grammar arranged to correspond to the Japanese level needed for the JLPT N3. Furthermore, in order to advance communication proficiency in Japanese, you can watch these video lessons that show actual N3 level Japanese being used in daily conversations. All of the narration contains English subtitles, so that those learning Japanese for the first time can easily study the materials. 

    ---By the end of the course, learners will be able to do the following:

    1. Master vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension related to the JLPT N3 level.
    2. Be able to comprehend contents spoken in almost natural speed in daily life conversations.
    3. Be able to comprehend and read everyday topics, slightly complex Japanese sentences, newspaper headlines
    4. Be able to have Japanese intermediate level conversations in everyday life.
    5. Be able to speak and understand intermediate level business Japanese.

    How to use these study materials 

    Make sure to download the files below first before you start studying.

    Please note that you need at least 80% correct on the comprehension tests to continue to the next lesson.

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  • View only 'Topic 1'

    第1課 こちらの本を 借りたいんですが、貸し出しは可能でしょうか。(Lesson 1 I'd like to borrow this book, is it possible?)

    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 2 Trang
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    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 3 Trang
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    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 4 Trang
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    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 5 Trang
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    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 6 Trang
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    •  1 - 会話復習 (Conversation Review) Trang
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    •  1 - 確認テスト (Comprehension Test) Trắc nghiệm
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  • View only 'Topic 2'

    第2課 通販の靴はたいてい返品と交換ができるはずだよ。(Lesson 2 You should be able to return or exchange the shoes you bought via mail order. )

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  • View only 'Topic 3'

    第3課 アルバイトを通して、自分の日本語をもっと上達させたいと思います。(Lesson 3 I want to improve my Japanese through a part-time job.)

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  • View only 'Topic 4'

    第4課 不動産屋の広告でよくDKとか、LDKとかを見ますが、あれはどういう意味ですか。(Lesson 4 I often see DK and LDK in the real estate advertisements, what do they mean?)

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  • View only 'Topic 5'

    第5課 結果がどうなるかわからないから不安でしょうがないよ。(Lesson 5 I can't help feeling anxious because I don't know what the result will be.)

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  • View only 'Topic 6'

    第6課 工場の生産効率が上昇するにつれて、コストが削減できました。(Lesson 6 As the efficiency of the factory rose, we were able to reduce the cost.)

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  • View only 'Topic 7'

    第7課 難しくたって、音楽の道に挑戦してみたいと思う。(Lesson 7 Even if it is difficult, I want to attempt to go into music.)

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  • View only 'Topic 8'

    第8課 向こうはかなり怒っているらしくて、謝って済むとは思えないのですが…(Lesson 8 It seems that they are really angry, and I don't think apologizing will help.)

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  • View only 'Topic 9'

    第9課 毎日日記を書いているわけではありません。(Lesson 9 It doesn't mean I write a diary every day.)

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  • View only 'Topic 10'

    第10課 時間が経つのは早いものですね。(Lesson 10 Time flies so quickly!)

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