
  • Preparation for this course

    This Japanese course contains vocabulary, expressions, and grammar arranged to correspond to the Japanese level needed for the JLPT N4. Furthermore, in order to advance communication proficiency in Japanese, you can watch these video lessons that show actual N4 level Japanese being used in daily conversations. All of the narration contains English subtitles, so that those learning Japanese for the first time can easily study the materials. 

    ---By the end of the course, learners will be able to do the following:

    1. Master vocabulary, expressions, and grammar related to the JLPT N4 level.
    2. Be able to comprehend contents slowly spoken in daily life conversations.
    3. Be able to comprehend and read typical phrases and sentences written in N4 level kanji.
    4. Be able to have Japanese elementary level conversations in everyday life.
    5. Be able to have speak and understand easy words of the honorific expressions.

    How to use these study materials 

    Make sure to download the files below first before you start studying.

    Please note that you need at least 80% correct on the comprehension tests to continue to the next lesson.

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  • View only 'Topic 1'

    第1課 メリークリスマス!(Lesson 1 Merry Christmas!)

    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 2 Trang
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    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 3 Trang
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    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 4 Trang
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    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 5 Trang
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    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 6 Trang
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    •  1 - 文法 (Grammar) 7 Trang
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    •  1 - 確認テスト (Comprehension Test) Trắc nghiệm
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  • View only 'Topic 2'

    第2課 ごみを 置く場所を 教えていただけませんか。(Lesson 2 Could you tell me where to place trash please? )

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  • View only 'Topic 3'

    第3課 重すぎて 運べないですよ。(Lesson 3 It is so heavy that I cannot carry it.)

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  • View only 'Topic 4'

    第4課 日曜日、 佐藤くんの お見舞いに 行くんだけど、 いっしょに いかない?(Lesson 4 Would you like to go to hospital to visit Mr. Sato on Sunday? )

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  • View only 'Topic 5'

    第5課 将来日本で 働こうと 思っています。(Lesson 5 I am thinking of working in Japan in the future.)

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  • View only 'Topic 6'

    第6課 リーさんへの 結婚祝い、 何に しようか 迷っています。(Lesson 6 I am wondering what to buy for Miss Lee’s wedding present.)

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  • View only 'Topic 7'

    第7課 資料の 準備が できたら、 連絡して もらえませんか。(Lesson 7 If the materials are done, could you please contact me?)

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  • View only 'Topic 8'

    第8課 本社と 関係する仕事を 頼まれて、急に 来ることに なったんです。(Lesson 8 I was asked to do the work related to the head office, so I have been decided to come here suddenly.)

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  • View only 'Topic 9'

    第9課 スーツを 着てこなくても かまいません。(Lesson 9 You don't have to wear a suit to come.)

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  • View only 'Topic 10'

    第10課 また、 バスケットボールが できればいいですね。(Lesson 10 It is nice if you could play basketball again. )

    Hạn chế Không hiện hữu trừ khi bất cứ trong:
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      • You are a(n) Học viên

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  • View only 'Topic 11'

    第11課 部長が、 私に 新しいプロジェクトを 担当させてくれたの。(Lesson 11 The manager allowed me to be in charge of a new project.)

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  • View only 'Topic 12'

    第12課 社長に 「ちゃんと仕事をしろ! 遊ぶな!」と言われました。(Lesson 12 I was told by my company president "Work hard. Don't goof around".)

    Hạn chế Không hiện hữu trừ khi bất cứ trong:
    • Tất cả trong:
      • You are a(n) Học viên

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  • View only 'Topic 13'

    第13課 電車で こられる場合は、 西口の バスターミナルに いらっしゃってください。(Lesson 13  If you come by train, please come to the west exit bus terminal.)

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  • View only 'Topic 14'

    第14課 席が 空きましたら、 すぐお呼びいたします。(Lesson 14 I will call you as soon as a seat is available.)

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  • View only 'Topic 15'

    第15課 最近エレベーターや 電車に 乗らないで なるべく歩くように しているんです。(Lesson 15 Recently, I'm trying to walk more, without taking the elevator or train.)

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